Dental Implants in Orlando, FL

Dental Implants: The Gold Standard

If you’re missing teeth, you know that the gaps in your smile aren’t just a cosmetic problem. In fact, your jawbone begins to degrade after losing a tooth, which can make it hard to eat, speak, and smile. Thankfully, at Life Enhancing Dentistry, our team of professionals strives to create personalized restorations that preserve your jawbone while filling the gaps in your smile.

We offer natural-looking dental implants that fuse with your jawbone to act as a tooth root. Once they’re surgically placed, we’ll fit your implants with permanent replacement teeth that blend seamlessly into your smile.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dr. Aldochine is knowledgeable about dental implants to replace any number of missing or damaged teeth. They’re the most sturdy, long-term tooth restoration option available. These titanium implants integrate directly into your jawbone, giving your dental replacement crown unmatched stability.

Without a replacement, the bone underneath a missing tooth can begin to degrade over time. Missing and weakened jawbone can hurt patients’ confidence. Thankfully, Dr. Aldochine listens to your concerns and will give you advice about what restoration will work best for you. Often, this may be dental implants.

The jawbone is essential to forming your facial structure — as a result, bone degradation can change the way your face looks and make it appear sunken. Dental implants restore your oral health, giving you a youthful smile customized for your needs.

The Dental Implants Process

At Life Enhancing Dentistry, the first step in the dental implant process is scheduling your consultation with Dr. Aldochine. She’ll examine your teeth and gums, take x-rays to determine your jawbone density, and address any underlying dental issues. You’ll also discuss all of your restorative options, so you’ll fully understand each risk and benefit.

If you decide on dental implants after you and Dr. Aldochine have discussed all your options, you can schedule your appointment for placement. That appointment will begin with her using a gentle numbing agent to ensure you feel comfortable during the procedure. She’ll then surgically place the titanium implant directly into your jaw and fit your temporary prosthetic teeth.

After four to six months of healing, you’ll return to our Orlando office so we can affix your custom-crafted, permanent replacement teeth to your implants. At the end of this visit, you can immediately show off your youthful, healthy smile!

Dental Implant Candidacy

Dental implants work best for people whose jawbones are dense enough to hold firmly onto their restorations. During your initial consultation, Dr. Aldochine will examine your jawbone health, along with other oral health factors, to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure.

Life Enhancing Dentistry

9717 Eagle Creek Center Blvd.
Ste. 102
Orlando, FL 32832

Office Hours

10am – 7pm
8am – 4pm
7am – 3pm
7am – 3pm
8am – 2pm